We formed this group for our clients and friends to share ideas, learn from each other and provide a sounding board for CEOs who sometimes find the top spot a lonely place.
How does it work?
We formed this group for our clients to share ideas, learn from each other and provide a sounding board for CEOs who sometimes find the top spot a lonely place.
We meet quarterly where we review the market and share challenges and good ideas.
We often focus on a particular issue such as sales, developing IP or financial strategy. We invite speakers such as lawyers, M&A specialists and investors who have had successful exits to talk to the group and show the art of the possible.
Come as our guest to see if it's good for you.
Meeting outputs
Outputs from this group of IT leaders include salary surveys and other benchmarking, great reads, good ideas and other business nuggets. All slides, presentations and outputs are shared with the group.
Salary Surveys
Each year we carry out research into sales salaries and reward schemes within IT. Data is currently available for 2016 and 2017.